HubCity | Crowdfunding campaign

Goal : € 260.000


“Reanchant the Smart City”, a 10-year commitment !

The “African HubCities” experiment was initiated in 2012 by Sename K. A. as a program of its NGO L’Africaine d’architecture. The bet was to show that tech- hubs (fablabs, makerspaces, incubators, third places) could participate in the virtuous transformation of their territory. L’Africaine d’architecture thus prototyped an alternative to the concept of ‘Smart City’.

the program allowed to create WoeLab Zero (2012) then WoeLab Prime (2017). In two places: 1300m2, the largest African tech-hub in terms of space. International distinctions, prizes, recognitions and citations have accumulated and the local impact is indisputable, WoeLab having founded the Togolese tech scene and inspired many innovation spaces in Africa and beyond. The initiative has especially achieved notoriety among models of social innovation advocating environmental protection, inclusiveness and redistributiveness.

3D printer in recycled computer waste, local electronic currency, cultural and local social network, urban and disruptive peer-to-peer services, etc. the HubCity experiment and it´s WoeLab tech- hubs are pioneers in positioning third places as territory factories. Since 2011, have contributed to the international definition of the movement of circular, collaborative, contributory and sharing economies.

Self- financed for 10 years (nearly 450,000 euros invested in expenses, logistics of the Labs, grants for young people, social, program support, financing of startups, etc.), the initiative is now structured to address the challenge of its sustainability, scale up and export its experience to more cities by supporting public authorities.

HubCity will be the first company with a mission, entirely dedicated to solving the challenges of African urbanity and – considering the weight that African cities will have in global urbanity – to safeguarding the habitability of the planet. This campaign serves the ambition of structuring a hubcity ecosystem around the world, starting with Togo

"Civilizing the Smart City”, a 10-year commitment!

Act big
Invest in a project that acts on the African city is to have a global impact.
A mission for the world
The sole purpose of HubCity is to safeguard the habitability of the earth. We do not remunerate any shareholders.
Your money is HubCity’s only way to create business-tools designed to be an alternative to digital capitalism
Our accounts are public. We favor open source technologies.

What will your investment be used for ?
Our sustainability over 3 years !

Social ownership !

Become a partner in a social, inclusive and capital-free enterprise and integrate a unique network of actors interested in the smart city based on digital commons and technological democracy.
As part of its fundraising, HubCity is opening up to shareholders. For 100 euros you will become the owner of a social share of the HubCity initiative. (2500 units at €100 are available).
* This investment is non-profit therefore without expected financial return.

Social ownership
Why become an individual HubCity shareholder ?

You support the HubCity initiative and the only alternative project that thinks about an uncolonized future for cities. You are thus involved in the fate of the african continent and participate in exorcising chaotic prospective prospects linked to unbridled urbanization and the appetite for Big Tech.
You finance the prototyping phase of innovative hardware solutions, platforms or integrated applications. Your contribution will strengthen our first startups : Urbanatic, SCoPe, Tech-Containers, Syswoe, Woebots, PLUS, organa, etc. who work together to make a non-proprietary Smart City possible.
You help us support our costs over three years and thus allow WoeLab to continue its commitment to Low HighTech (with its street-level #fabLab approach) and Technological Democracy with free programs for disadvantaged groups, children (# OCA) and girls (#GirlBoss), support for young entrepreneurs (#WOAX) etc.
You join HubCity’s advisory and deliberative board. In particular, you become a decision-maker within this assembly thanks to the right to vote on a number of strategic issues.
You will be able to participate in animating a network of mentors and professional volunteers. We will ask you for specific skills and availability that you will kindly communicate to us. You will be able to directly help the project to unblock situations.
Overall you will maintain a special relationship with this experiment thanks to a dedicated newsletter and open conference sessions – Brainstorming with our community.
– You confirm that you are someone incredible!

Social ownership
Why become a shareholders in the name of a social enterprise,
an institution or a public authority?

– Join the HubCity global network of partners model of smart city more ethical
You support the HubCity initiative and the only alternative project that thinks about an uncolonized future for cities. You are thus involved in the fate of the african continent and participate in exorcising chaotic prospective prospects linked to unbridled urbanization and the appetite for Big Tech.
You finance the prototyping phase of innovative hardware solutions, platforms or integrated applications. Your contribution will strengthen our first startups : Urbanattic, SCoPe, Techcontainers, Syswoe, Woebots, PLUS, organa, etc. who work together to make a non-proprietary Smart City possible.
You help us support our costs over three years and thus allow WoeLab to continue its commitment to LowHighTech (with its street-level #fabLab approach) and Technological Democracy with free programs for disadvantaged groups, children (# OCA) and girls (#GirlBoss), support for young entrepreneurs (#WOAX) etc.
You join HubCity’s advisory and deliberative board. In particular, you become a decision-maker within this assembly thanks to the right to vote on a number of strategic issues.
You benefit : – advice and preliminary support in digital transformation on the basis of commons. – technical support in the development of municipal platforms
Overall you will maintain a special relationship with this experimentation thanks to : – a dedicated newsletter and open conference sessions – Brainstorming with our community. – invitations to participate in our institute: seminars, internships, learning experience, etc.
You are part of the only global network concerned with developing a more sustainable and inclusive urban future.

Social ownership
Why become a shareholder as a Togolese startup, artisan or SME?

You support the HubCity initiative and the only alternative project that thinks about an uncolonized future for cities. You are thus involved in the fate of the african continent and participate in exorcising chaotic prospective prospects linked to unbridled urbanization and the appetite for Big Tech.
You finance the prototyping phase of innovative hardware solutions, platforms or integrated applications. Your contribution will strengthen our first startups : Urbanattic, SCoPe, Techcontainers, Syswoe, Woebots, PLUS, organa, etc. who work together to make a non-proprietary Smart City possible.
You help us support our costs over three years and thus allow WoeLab to continue its commitment to LowHighTech (with its street-level #fabLab approach) and Technological Democracy with free programs for disadvantaged groups, children (# OCA) and girls (#GirlBoss), support for young entrepreneurs (#WOAX) etc.
You join HubCity’s advisory and deliberative board. In particular, you become a decision-maker within this assembly thanks to the right to vote on a number of strategic issues.
Overall you will maintain a special relationship with this experiment thanks to a dedicated newsletter and open conference sessions – Brainstorming with our community.

Rewards !​

No matter how much you donate, you'll end up on our wall of benefactors.

+ 100e
- * A Social Share
- Teeshirt “HubCitizen”
+ Previous counterparts
+ 200e
- A new Social Share
+ Previous counterparts
+ 250e
- The collector edition of the book “Decolonising the Future” signed.
+ Previous counterparts

+ 1000e
- *
- You gain the power to call an unique online HubCity Webinar with all the experts of our network on the topic of your choice.
+ Previous counterparts
+ 2500e
- *
- L'Africaine d'architecture offers you a study for your construction project in Africa.

+ 10000e
- *
- You become official partner of the kinoff ! Your logo will appear on all media of this operation.
+ Previous counterparts
+ 25000e
- *
- A subscription for our Learning Experience program : HubCity Explo
+ Previous counterparts

How do I become a HubCity shareholder ?

HubCity Social Shareholding may be your most impactful and lasting good deed of the year ! It takes 5 minutes, and everything is done online!
  1. Pay for your shares on paypal
You can contribute in one of the following ways:

2. Fill out the form by clicking below

…or join the HubCityDAO*
directly on Juicebox
*Decentralized Autonomous Organization more on HubCityDAO here

Committee of Guarantors 
ambassadors of the skinoff 

Julien Carbonnell
Fortune Ahlouma
Cesar Jung-Harada
Djoann Fall
Mariko Sugita
Yawo Afande
Hanae Bezad
Karl Lawson
If you are interested, make an appointment to discuss with us via :
or join our webinar
Hubcity Skinoff Series
Houses of digital commons in Lomé, Togo


Hubcity, WoeLab Prime, Apedokoe, Lomé