=== Premium Addons PRO === Contributors: leap13 Tags: elementor, elements, addons, elementor addon, elementor widget, elementor extensions, page builder, builder, visual editor, wordpress page builder Requires at least: 4.5 Tested up to: 5.8.2 Requires PHP: 5.4 Stable tag: 2.6.6 License: GPL v3.0 License URI: https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 This is the PRO extension of Premium Addons for Elementor Plugin that includes Pro widgets and Addons for Elementor Page Builder. == Description == This plugin is an extension to Premium Addons for Elementor Plugin that includes Pro Elementor widgets and Addons for Elementor Page Builder. Visit [Premium Addons Website](https://www.premiumaddons.com/) to check widgets and addons demos. Premium Addons PRO plugin’s widgets are cross browser compatible and also fully responsive, Your website will rock on all browsers as well as tables and mobile devices. When using Premium Addons’ widgets you will notice that it has more customization options than any other widget in other plugin. Premium Addons PRO can be used only as a complement of Elementor page builder plugin as it’s not a standalone plugin. ### Features * Fully Customizable Elements. * Options panel for enabling desired elements only for faster performance. * Free Support through online forums. ### Available Elements 1. [Premium Alert Box](https://premiumaddons.com/alert-box-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/) 2. [Premium Animated Section Gradient](https://premiumaddons.com/animated-section-gradients-for-elementor-page-builder/) 3. [Premium Behance Feed](https://premiumaddons.com/behance-feed-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/) 4. [Premium Charts](https://premiumaddons.com/charts-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/) 5. [Premium Content Switcher](https://premiumaddons.com/content-switcher-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/) 6. [Premium Divider](https://premiumaddons.com/dual-header-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/) 7. [Premium Facebook Feed](https://premiumaddons.com/facebook-feed-widget-for-elementor-page-builder-2/) 8. [Premium Facebook Messenger](https://premiumaddons.com/facebook-messenger-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/) 9. [Premium Facebook Reviews](https://premiumaddons.com/facebook-reviews-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/) 10. [Premium Flip Box](https://premiumaddons.com/flip-box-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/) 11. [Premium Google Reviews](https://premiumaddons.com/google-reviews-for-elementor-page-builder/) 12. [Premium Icon Box](https://premiumaddons.com/icon-box-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/) 13. [Premium iHover](https://premiumaddons.com/ihover-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/) 14. [Premium Image Accordion](https://premiumaddons.com/elementor-image-accordion-widget/) 15. [Premium Image Comparison](https://premiumaddons.com/image-comparison-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/) 16. [Premium Image Hotspots](https://premiumaddons.com/image-hotspots-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/) 17. [Premium Image Layers](https://premiumaddons.com/image-layers-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/) 18. [Premium Instagram Feed](https://premiumaddons.com/instagram-feed-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/) 19. [Premium Ken Burns](https://premiumaddons.com/ken-burns-section-addon-for-elementor-page-builder/) 20. [Premium Magic Section](https://premiumaddons.com/magic-section-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/) 21. [Premium Multi Scroll](https://premiumaddons.com/multi-scroll-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/) 22. [Premium Parallax](https://premiumaddons.com/parallax-section-addon-for-elementor-page-builder/) 23. [Premium Particles](https://premiumaddons.com/particles-section-addon-for-elementor-page-builder/) 24. [Premium Preview Window](https://premiumaddons.com/preview-window-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/) 25. [Premium Tables](https://premiumaddons.com/table-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/) 26. [Premium Twitter Feed](https://premiumaddons.com/twitter-feed-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/) 27. [Premium Tabs](https://premiumaddons.com/tabs-widget-for-elementor-page-builder-2/) 28. [Premium Unfold](https://premiumaddons.com/unfold-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/) 29. [Premium WhatsApp Chat](https://premiumaddons.com/whatsapp-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/) 30. [Premium Yelp Reviews](https://premiumaddons.com/elementor-yelp-reviews-widget/) 31. [Premium Trustpilot Reviews](https://premiumaddons.com/elementor-trustpilot-reviews-widget/) == Installation == = Minimum Requirements = * WordPress 4.5 or greater * PHP version 5.4 or greater * MySQL version 5.0 or greater = Installation Instructions = - First make sure that Elementor Page Builder and Premium Addons for Elementor are installed, As this plugin works only with both of them. - Download the plugin then Upload it to the plugin folder: /wp-content/plugins/ or install it through the WordPress plugins screen directly. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress - You can find Premium Addons Elements under the category “Premium Addons” on your Elementor element/widget list. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Is this a standalone Plugin? = No. You cannot use Premium Addons PRO without Elementor and Premium Addons for Elementor. = Does it work with any WordPress theme? = Yes, it will work with any WordPress theme as long as you are using Elementor as a page builder. = Will this plugin slow down my website speed? = Premium Addons for Elementor is light weight and we also gave you the control to enable only the elements you actually use on your website for faster performance. == Changelog == = 2.6.6 = - Fixed: Box shadow and Background Color options overriden by default values in CSS in Preview Window widget. - Fixed: Charts widget not working in some cases inside Tabs widget. - Fixed: Animated Gradient and Blob Generator addons not working in Tabs widget. - Fixed: Ken Burns addon Infinite option always disabled when the editor page is reloaded. = 2.6.5 = - Tweak: Load the main CSS file only when required. - Fixed: Tabs widget not working properly with some themes. - Fixed: Compatibility between Carousel option in Social Reviews widgets and RTL sites. - Fixed: Keyboard Scrolling still works even when the control is disabled in Horizontal Scroll widget. = 2.6.4 = - Fixed: Compatibility issues with Elementor v3.5.0. = 2.6.3 = - Tweak: Added options to control Scroll Offset for each section individually in Color Transition widget. - Tweak: Javascript loading method improved for Animated Gradient, Particles section/column addons for better performance. - Fixed: Styling options not working for SVG icons in Magic Section widget. = 2.6.2 = - Tweak: Added WooCommerce Total Amount In Cart and Current Product Stock options in Display Conditions feature. - Fixed: Console error when videos are inserted in Tabs widget. = 2.6.1 = - Fixed: Undefined variable $dir_class in Image Layers widget when Text option is used. - Fixed: Button Size option not working in WhatsApp Chat widget. = 2.6.0 = - New: Added Animated Blob Generator section addon - [here](https://premiumaddons.com/elementor-animated-blob-generator/). - Tweak: Added Radar Style option in Image Hotspots widget. - Tweak: Added div, p and span HTML tag options for heading in Hover Box widget. - Fixed: Default icon size changed in Hover Box widget. - Fixed: Background Color not changing when multiple Background Transition widgets are used on the same page. = 2.5.5 = - Fixed: Background is not changed on scroll up in Background Transition widget. - Fixed: Nested tabs styling overwrite issue in Tabs widget. = 2.5.4 = - Tweak: Tabs widget rebuilt for better usability and editing experience. - Tweak: Control number of carousel slides to show in Instagram Feed widget. - Tweak: Prevent Background Transition widget from changing color when up/down backgrounds are the same. - Fixed: Line height not working for Business/Place Name, Reviewer Name and Review Text in Social Reviews widgets. - Fixed: Entrance Animations not working on for the first in Horizontal Scroll widget. - Fixed: Premium Parallax not working for Elementor columns. - Fixed: Tabs widget not working when shortcodes are used in tabs content. = 2.5.3 = - Tweak: Added Heroes Flying-Left effect in iHover widget. - Tweak: Remove any duplicate content when Accordion Tabs option is enabled in Tabs widget. - Tweak: Added Tab ID option in Tabs widget. - Fixed: Animation issues for Flash Rotation, Flip Door, and Magic Door effects in iHover widget. - Fixed: Charts not working on the editor page on Chrome browser. - Fixed: Color option not applied on links in Table widget when CSV file is used. = 2.5.2 = - Tweak: Save all the plugin settings on change without need to click "Save Settings" button. - Tweak: Compatibility with Elementor v3.4.4. - Fixed: Trustpilot Reviews widget not working for some businesses. - Fixed: Snappy scroll stability issues in Horizontal Scroll issues. - Fixed: Compatibility issues between Elementor custom breakpoints and Horizontal Scroll widget. = 2.5.1 = - Tweak: iHover widget code refactored for faster editing speed.. - Tweak: Added Image Hover Effect in Image Layers widget. - Tweak: Added compatibility between Multiscroll widget and sticky headers. - Fixed: Premium Parallax not working for Elementor columns. - Fixed: Premium Particles not working on some devices in editor page. - Fixed: Premium Parallax not working for Elementor columns. - Fixed: Content is not fully rendered issue in Unfold widget. - Fixed: Removed Unnecessary requests made in Instagram Feed widget. - Fixed: Hide Slide On and Disable Horizontal Scroll On options not working togethr in Horizontal Scroll widget. - Fixed: Carousel not working in Facebook Feed widget when `Only Show Admin Posts` option is enabled. - Fixed: Fold Height option not working when set to `0` in Unfold widget. - Fixed: Console error in Multi Scroll widget. - Fixed: Admin notices not showing when Premium Addons for Elementor is not installed. = 2.5.0 = - Tweak: JS code refactored for better performance and faster editing speed. - Tweak: Compatibility with Elementor v3.4.2. - Fixed: Emojis not showing in Twitter Feed widget. - Fixed: Slides overlapping issue on touch devices in Horizontal Scroll widget. - Fixed: Image Hotspots colors not working in editor page. = 2.4.9 = - New: Added Advanced Border Radius option to improve the normal Border Radius option - [here](https://9elements.github.io/fancy-border-radius/). - Fixed: Particles overlapping issue when browser active tab is changed. - Fixed: Alignment controls icons not showing in editor panel. - Fixed: Tabs widget style conflict with LearnDash plugin. = 2.4.8 = - Tweak: Added option to control `Based on Number of Reviews` string in all social reviews widgets. - Fixed: Expired access token is not refreshed in Instagram Feed widget. - Fixed: Image appears before entrance animation starts in Image Layers widget. - Fixed: Facebook Feed widget conflict with Complianz | GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent plugin. - Fixed: Pagination not working in the editor in Table widget. - Fixed: Reviews markup issue with `Review Words Length` option in Trustpilot Reviews widget. - Fixed: Tabs widget conflict with some themes. = 2.4.7 = - Tweak: Added `Change Tabs to Accordion On Small Screens` option in Tabs widget. - Tweak: Improved compatibility with Elementor new version. = 2.4.6 = - Tweak: Improved Social Reviews widgets compatibility for RTL sites. - Tweak: Improved WPML compatibility with all widgets. - Tweak: Added Icon Spacing option in Unfold widget. - Fixed: SVGs icons not showing on button in Unfold widget. = 2.4.5 = - Fixed: Error `Call to undefined function` when only Trustpilot Review widget is enabled. = 2.4.4 = - Fixed: Console error in Parallax addon issue. = 2.4.3 = - New: Added Premium Trustpilot Reviews widget. - Tweak: Added Infinite Autoplay for carousel in social reviews widgets. - Tweak: Added Navigation Type Dots/Arrows option in social reviews widgets. - Tweak: Added Show Number of Reviews option in social reviews widgets. - Tweak: Added Put Place/Business Info next to reviews option in social reviews widgets. - Fixed: Console error `$ is not defined` since v2.4.2. = 2.4.2 = - Tweak: Added Clear Cached Data button to Facebook, Google and Yelp Reviews widgets. - Tweak: Added Carousel Arrows option for Carousel Tabs option in Tabs widget. - Tweak: Snap Scroll improved in Horizontal Scroll widget. = 2.4.1 = - Fixed: Horizontal Scroll slides anchoring not working since v2.4.0 - Fixed: Lightbox option issue in Instagram Feed widget. = 2.4.0 = - Tweak: Feed Media Height control added to work all time in Facebook/Twitter Feed widgets. - Tweak: Section/Column addons code refactored to improve editing speed. = 2.3.9 = - Tweak: Added Hovered Image Width control option in Image Accordion widget. - Tweak: Javascript Code refactored for better performance and security. - Fixed: Lottie Animation icon size option not working on Chrome in WhatsApp Chat widget. = 2.3.8 = - Tweak: Added Spacing Color option in Image Accordion widget. - Fixed: Horizontal Scroll anchor links not working with Elementor popups. - Fixed: Images Spacing option not working with horizontal direction in Image Accordion widget. = 2.3.7 = - Tweak: Added Minimal Mask effect for Text in Image Layers widget. - Tweak: Added Image Spacing option in Image Accordion widget. - Fixed: Icon Color option not applied on SVGs in all widgets. = 2.3.6 = - Fixed: Hide Section option not working after v2.3.5 in Horizontal Scroll widget. = 2.3.5 = - Tweak: Added Disable Horizontal Scroll On Tablet/Mobile devices option in Horizontal Scroll widget. - Tweak: Added Wave Effect option in Animated Gradient add-on. - Tweak: Added Change Legend to Circles option in Charts widget. - Tweak: Added Maximum Height control in Magic Section. - Fixed: Equal Height option not working when Carousel is enabled in Social Feed and Reviews widgets. = 2.3.4 = - Tweak: Code refactored for better performance and security. - Fixed: Live Search option shows results only from current page in Table widget. - Fixed: Icon Hover Animation not working with Whole Box Link in Icon Box widget. = 2.3.3 = - Tweak: Added Pull Data from CSV file in Charts widget. - Fixed: Some Particles effects not working. - Fixed: Template style is rendered in Content Toggle widget. = 2.3.2 = - Tweak: Added Lottie Animations, Icon and Text Trigger options in Preview Window widget. - Tweak: Added Show/Hide Reviewer Image option in Social Reviews widgets. - Tweak: Added Show/Hide Place Rating Stars option in Social Reviews widgets. - Tweak: Code refactored for better performance and security. = 2.3.1 = - Tweak: Compatibility with Elementor PRO 3.2.0. = 2.3.0 = - Tweak: Code refactored for better performance and faster editor loading. - Tweak: Font Awesome 5 compatibility for Magic Section widget. - Tweak: Added option to enable cookies for logged in users in Alert Box widget. - Tweak: Added Hover Image option in Preview Window widget. - Tweak: Added responsive controls for Fold Height and Fade Height options in Unfold widget. - Tweak: Added Icon Spacing option for Link in Icon Box widget. - Fixed: Icon Spacing not working on RTL sites in WhatsApp Chat widget. - Fixed: Tooltips height issue in Image Hotspots widget. = 2.2.9 = - Tweak: Added option to hide specific sections on different devices in Horizontal Scroll widget. - Fixed: Content alignment responsive controls not working in Icon Box widget. = 2.2.8 = - New: Apply Animated Gradient, Ken Burns, Parallax and Particles add-on on columns. - Fixed: Global Colors not working for Animated Gradient add-on. - Fixed: Spinner effect text link not working in iHover widget. = 2.2.7 = - Tweak: Added Text option in Image Layers widget. - Tweak: Code refactored for better performance. = 2.2.6 = - Tweak: Added Show Admin Posts Only option in Facebook Feed widget. - Tweak: Added Data Format Locale option to format numbers in Charts widget. - Tweak: Number formatting in Twitter Feed widget. = 2.2.5 = - Tweak: Added Horizontal Scroll Parallax option in Parallax Section add-on. - Tweak: Added Profile Header and Tweet Information options in Twitter Feed widget. - Tweak: Added Cube effect in Hover Box widget. - Tweak: Added Profile Header in Instagram Feed widget. - Tweak: Added Feed Share button in Instagram Feed widget. - Tweak: WPML Compatibility for Horizontal Scroll widget. - Tweak: Reload data every Minute option changed to Five Minutes to prevent API block in Table widget. = 2.2.4 = - Tweak: Added Show/Hide Profile Name and Feed Content option in Facebook/Twitter Feed widget. - Tweak: Added Feed Media Image Height option in Facebook/Twitter Feed widget. - Tweak: Added CSS ID option for hotspots in Image Hotspots widget. - Fixed: All RTL issues in Facebook/Twitter Feed widget. = 2.2.3 = - Tweak: Added Custom Navigation option to Tabs widget. - Tweak: Added Back To Initial Position for Parallax Mouse Interactivity in Image Layers widget. - Fixed: Icon Spacing option not working when direction option is set to RTL in Table widget. - Fixed: Google Sheets not working in Table widget. - Fixed: Left Margin/Padding option not working for Title/Link in Hover Box widget. = 2.2.2 = - Tweak: Now you can load more than 25 feed posts in Instagram Feed widget. - Fixed: Google Sheets not working in Table widget. - Fixed: Carousel swipes in opposite direction in all social feed/reviews widgets. - Fixed: Duplicated Premium Addons icon in section add-ons after WordPress v5.6. = 2.2.1 = - Fixed: Description not showing issue in Icon Box widget. - Fixed: Font Awesome icons not showing in Image Hotspots widget. - Fixed: Inline editing not working for content in Tabs widget. = 2.2.0 = - Tweak: Added two new styles to Hover Box widget - [here](https://premiumaddons.com/flip-box-widget-for-elementor-page-builder/). - Tweak: Added Carousel option in Facebook/Instagram Feed widgets. - Tweak: Added Equal Height option in Facebook/Twitter Feed widgets. - Tweak: Added Lottie Animation Icon option in Tabs widget. - Tweak: Added Whole Box Link and Link Position options in Icon Box widget. - Tweak: Added responsive controls for Carousel Tabs option in Tabs widget. - Tweak: Added slides spacing for Carousel Tabs option in Tabs widget. - Tweak: Added Rotate option to back icon in Icon Box widget. - Tweak: Hotspots Image render function code refactored to improve for site performance. - Tweak: Removed API Key option in Behance Feed widget. - Fixed: List layout width issue in Facebook/Twitter Feed widgets. - Fixed: Multi Scroll widget console error with some themes. - Fixed: Horizontal Scroll widget issues on browser window resize. - Fixed: Tabs widget spacing issues on small screens. - Fixed: Default padding given to content in Content Toggle widget. - Fixed: Widgets Badge White Labeling option not working. - Fixed: Warning `Trying to access array offset on value of type null` when Navigation Arrows option is disabled in Horizontal Scroll widget. = 2.1.4 = - Tweak: Added WPML Compatibility for Table widget. - Fixed: Bounce image issue in Parallax section addon. - Fixed: Font Awesome icons not showing in social feed widgets. = 2.1.3 = - Tweak: Alt attribute is now reading from Media library for images in Image Layers widget. - Tweak: Unnecessary code removed for better performance. = 2.1.2 = - Tweak: Added Text Editor/Template Content Type option in Unfold widget. - Tweak: Added Interactive option for tooltips in Image Hotspots widget. - Tweak: Added File Source (URL/File Upload) option in Lottie Animations section add-on. - Fixed: Images Alt attribute not added in multi-layered Parallax add-on. - Fixed: Images stretch issue in Image Comparison widget. - Fixed: Handle not moving in RTL sites issue in Image Comparison widget. - Fixed: Responsive controls for section background not applied on Parallax add-on. - Fixed: Custom Data table not pulling data after the file URL is changed in Table widget. - Fixed: Instagram video not showing in RTL sites in Instagram Feed widget. = 2.1.1 = - Tweak: Added new skin Cards in Facebook, Google and Yelp Reviews widgets. - Tweak: Added Maximum Words Number option for image caption in Instagram Feed widget. - Fixed: Icon Color option not applied on SVGs in Tabs widget. - Fixed: Place/Page avatar alignment issue on Twenty Twenty theme in Facebook, Google and Yelp Reviews widgets. = 2.1.0 = - Fixed: Icon Spacing option not working on RTL sites in WhatsApp Chat widget. - Fixed: Icon Spacing option not working when Icon Position is set to After in Magic Section widget. - Fixed: Freehand design option not working in Image Layers, Hotspots and Parallax section add-on after Elementor 3.0.0. - Fixed: Page update button is disabled after using Freehand position/resize feature. = 2.0.9 = - Fixed: Compatibility issues with Elementor v3.0.0. - Fixed: Particles add-on appears below section in RTL sites issue. - Fixed: Undefined 'open_graph_story' in Facebook Reviews widget. - Fixed: Icon Size option not working with SVG icons in Icon Box widget. = 2.0.8 = - Tweak: Add different color to each dataset value in bar Chart widget. - Fixed: WhatsApp Chat widget group option not working on mobile devices. - Fixed: Hotspots Horizontal Position option not working for RTL sites in Image Hotspots widget. - Fixed: Compatibility issues with WordPress 5.5. = 2.0.7 = - Tweak: Added Change Colors As Gradient option in Background Transition widget. - Tweak: API Version updated for Facebook Reviews/Feed widgets. - Fixed: Filter by Tags option letter case sensitive in Instagram Feed widget. = 2.0.6 = - Tweak: Added caching option for remote CSV files in Table widget. - Tweak: Added Filter by Tags option in Instagram Feed widget. = 2.0.5 = - Tweak: Instagram deprecated API replaced with Facebook API in Instagram Feed widget. - Tweak: Added Color options for feed links in Twitter/Facebook Feed widgets. - Tweak: Added Background Color, Margin and Padding option for readmore link in Twitter/Facebook Feed widgets. - Fixed: Widgets with entrance animations not showing on tablet/mobile devices in Horizontal Scroll widget. = 2.0.4 = - Tweak: Premium Instagram Feed widget now supports Instagram videos. - Tweak: Added RTL Mode option in Horizontal Scroll widget. - Tweak: Added Image icon option in Tabs widget. - Tweak: Added Carousel Tabs option in Tabs widget. - Tweak: Added Change Readmore text option in social reviews widgets. - Tweak: Added Render Type option in Lottie Animations section add-on. - Tweak: Added Speed option in Flip Box widget. - Fixed: Facebook Feed widget date not showing in Safari. - Fixed: Social reviews carousel issue in RTL sites. - Fixed: Vertical Image Comparison widget not working when label option is disabled. = 2.0.3 = - Fixed: Section add-on and some widgets not working since v2.0.2 = 2.0.3 = - Fixed: Section add-on and some widgets not working since v2.0.2 = 2.0.2 = - Fixed: Image Layers scroll effects not working since v2.0.0 - Fixed: Premium Lottie section add-on editor overloading issue. - Fixed: WhatsApp button not working on iOS mobile devices. = 2.0.1 = - Fixed: Freehand positioning conflict in Lottie Animations section add-on. - Fixed: Entrance animation duplicate issue in Horizontal Scroll widget. = 2.0.0 = - New: Introducing Lottie Animations Integration for all the widgets including icon options. - New: Added Premium Lottie Animations Section Add-on. - Tweak: Added Overlay Background option to Alert Box widget. - Tweak: Added Default Tab Index option to Tabs widget. - Tweak: Added Border Radius option for button in Content Switcher widget. - Tweak: Added Show/hide layers on different devices option in Parallax Add-on multi layers. - Tweak: Added Floating Effects in Image Hotspots and Preview Window widgets. - Fixed: Horizontal Scroll not scrolling below last slide on Snappy effect. - Fixed: Widgets masonry layout issues on the editor on Chrome browser. - Fixed: Table widget responsive option not working on tablets. - Fixed: Instagram Feed new API not working for logged out users. - Fixed: Instagram login button not working when Facebook Reviews widget is disabled. - Fixed: Conflict with Pinpoint Booking System Plugin shortcodes. - Fixed: Multi Scroll widget Left/Right Section Width option override previous widgets. - Fixed: PHP error `Trying to access array offer on value of type bool` in /white-label/admin.php. - Fixed: Console error `jQuery is not defined` in Image Hotspots widget. - Fixed: Compatibility errors with PHP v7.0 = 1.9.3 = - Tweak: Added new API options for Instagram Feed widget. - Fixed: Horizontal Scroll widget not working on RTL sites. - Fixed: Opacity floating effect now working in Image Layers widget. = 1.9.2 = - Tweak: Added Hover Text/Icon Color option for Trigger Button in Magic Section widget. - Tweak: Added Opacity to Float Effects in Image Layers widget. - Tweak: Change "Read More" link text option added in Facebook/Twitter Feed widgets. - Tweak: Added `Mouse Tilt` option in Icon Box widget. - Tweak: Get 'alt' attribute for images in iHover widget. - Fixed: Dynamic links not working for some elements. - Fixed: Warning `Trying to access array offset on value of type bool` in section add-ons. = 1.9.1 = - Tweak: Added support for dynamic fields in all social media widgets. - Fixed: Scrolling issues in Horizontal Scroll widget. - Fixed: Console error `ReferenceError: module is not defined` = 1.9.0 = - New: Added Horizontal Scroll widget. - Tweak: Added `Animation Duration` option in Animated Gradient section add-on. - Tweak: Added Chinese to Language option for Facebook Messenger Chat widget. - Tweak: Added `Whole Box Link` option in Icon Box widget. = 1.8.9 = - Tweak: Added `Load Chart on Scroll/Page Load` option in Charts widget. - Tweak: Added `Animation Duration` option in Charts widget. - Fixed: Filters by rating not working properly when review rating is not set in Facebook Reviews widget. = 1.8.8 = - Tweak: Improved `Filter By Language` option in Google Reviews widget. - Fixed: Spacings not applied on tooltips templates in Image Hotspots widget. - Fixed: Colors applied on `Whole Box Link` in iHover widget. - Fixed: Rating Schema in Google Reviews widget. = 1.8.7 = - Tweak: Added `Pagination` options in Table widget. - Tweak: Added `Carousel` options in Twitter Feed widget. = 1.8.6 = - Tweak: Now, you can remove all header cells in Table widget. - Tweak: Added `Hover Text Animation` switcher option in Flip Box widget. = 1.8.5 = - Tweak: Added new effects for Ken Burns add-on. - Tweak: Added `Reverse Direction` for mousemove parallax in Image Layers widget. = 1.8.4 = - Tweak: Added `Link` option for header cells in Table widget. - Fixed: `Transition Speed` option not working in Ken Burns section add-on. = 1.8.3 = - Tweak: Added `Padding` option for container in Facebook Reviews widget. = 1.8.2 = - Tweak: Added `Blend Mode` option to iHover, Image Hotspots and Image Layers widgets. - Tweak: Added `Filter by Tags` option to Instagram Feed widget. - Fixed: Lightbox not working in Instagram Feed widget. - Fixed: Console errors on IE due to Background Transition widget. = 1.8.1 = - Tweak: Added `Floating Effects` to Image Layers widget. - Tweak: Added `Zoom In/Out` option for each layer in Ken Burns add-on. = 1.8.0 = - Tweak: Added four new effects to Flip Box widget. - Tweak: 3D flip effect animation enhanced in Flip Box widget. = 1.7.9 = - Tweak: Now you can set different style to each hotspot item in Image Hotspots widget. - Tweak: Added link option for Button in Alert Box widget. - Tweak: Added Hover Background Color option Alert Box widget. - Fixed: Not all ratings are pulled in Facebook Reviews widget. = 1.7.8 = - Tweak: Added Spinner styling option for loading spinner in Instagram Feed widget. - Fixed: `$` is not defined in Facebook Reviews and Feed widgets. = 1.7.7 = - Tweak: Added `Button` option to iHover widget. - Tweak: Added `Hide Plugin Row Meta` and `Hide Plugin Changelog Link` to plugin White Labeling options. - Fixed: Background Transition widget not working with `RGB` colors. - Fixed: Console errors with invalid sections CSS IDs in Background Transition widget. = 1.7.6 = - Tweak: Added `CSS Filter` for normal/hover state in Image Hotspots widget. - Fixed: Grey line appears by default in Image Layers widget. - Fixed: Even Layout not working with Carousel option enabled in all Reviews widgets. - Fixed: Carousel slides not appearing on RTL sites in all Reviews widgets. - Fixed: SVG icons size option not working in all widgets. - Fixed: Link title and icon are not aligned in Icon Box widget. = 1.7.5 = - Tweak: Premium Background Transition widget improved. - Fixed: Caching is not applied on place data in Yelp Reviews widget. - Fixed: Nested Premium Tabs not appearing. - Fixed: Active Tab box shadow option not applied on the same selector in normal/hover in Tabs widget. = 1.7.4 = - Tweak: Added caching option `Reload Reviews Once Every` in Facebook, Google and Yelp Reviews widgets. = 1.7.3 = - Fixed: Instagram Feed widget not working on IE browsers. = 1.7.2 = - Tweak: Added `Render First Row As` option in Table widget. - Fixed: Flipbox widget `Whole Box` link option is not working. - Fixed: Default icon is not working in iHover widget. = 1.7.1 = - New: Added Color Transition widget. - Tweak: Get Instagram feed by Access Token only. - Tweak: Added dynamic field support for CSV file in Table widget. = 1.7.0 = - Fixed: Instagram Feed loading spinner does not appear on preview page. = 1.6.9 = - Tweak: Added `Hover Color` option for title/icon in Tabs widget. - Fixed: Active tab Margin/Padding issue in Tabs widget. - Fixed: Vertical Tabs widget alignment issue. - Fixed: Security bugs fixed. = 1.6.8 = - Tweak: Added `Schema Support` option for all Reviews widgets. - Tweak: Font Awesome 5 compatibility for all widgets. = 1.6.7 = - Tweak: Added `Minimum Value` option in Charts widget. = 1.6.6 = - Tweak: Added `Line Width` option for grid lines in Charts widget. - Tweak: Added transition for Image Accordion overlay color. - Fixed: Parallax section add-on does not work on frontend pages. = 1.6.5 = - Tweak: Load assets files for section add-ons only when needed to improve performance. - Tweak: Added `Step Size` option for Radar type Charts. - Fixed: Tabs nav container changed to div to prevent styling issues. = 1.6.4 = - Fixed: `Reviews Word Length` option does not work for non-latin characters in all reviews widgets. - Fixed: `Notice: Undefined variable: tool_tips_image_url` in Preview Window widget. = 1.6.3 = - Tweak: Added responsive controls for `Alignment` option in iHover widget. - Fixed: `Border Color` option missing for `Style 3` in Tabs widget. - Fixed: Bottom positioned Magic Section appears after page load. = 1.6.2 = - Tweak: Added `Facebook Login` Button to Premium Facebook Feed widget for easier feed pull. - Fixed: `Maximum Value` option added to Radar chat type in Charts widget. - Fixed: `Carousel Arrows Position` option shows when `Autoplay` option is enabled in Yelp Reviews widget. - Fixed: Loader spinner not showing on the preview page in Facebook/Twitter Feed. = 1.6.1 = - Tweak: Added `RTL Mode` option for Facebook, Google and Yelp Reviews widgets. - Fixed: `Transition Speed` option not working for Ken Burns section add-on. - Fixed: Image Layers `Freehand` reposition not working if page contains Premium Carousel widget. = 1.6.0 = - Tweak: Added `Review Length` option to Facebook Reviews widget. - Fixed: Images pixelated when size is increased in Facebook Reviews widget. - Fixed: Messenger Chat icon not showing on mobile devices. - Fixed: Cells alignment issue with multi-line text in Table widget. - Fixed: Blank line below Instagram images for some themes. = 1.5.9 = - New: Added Yelp Reviews widget. - Tweak: Added `Facebook Login` Button to Premium Facebook Reviews widget for easier reviews pull. - Tweak: Added `Review Length` option in Google Reviews widget. - Tweak: Added `Responsive Controls` for Premium Particles section add-on. - Tweak: Added `Table Layout` option in Premium Table widget. - Fixed: Divider and text in Premium Divider widget are not centered in some themes. - Fixed: `Button Size` in Unfold widget not applied on the front-end. - Fixed: Back side `Link` unclickable on Microsoft Edge in Flip Box widget. - Fixed: Twitter/Facebook Feed time elapsed Singular/Plural issue. - Fixed: Clipped reviewer profile picture in Google Reviews widget. = 1.5.8 = - New: Added Image Accordion widget. - Fixed: Title/Icon are not horizontally centered in styles 3,4 in Tabs widget. = 1.5.7 = - Tweak: `Read More` button redirects to post instead of page in Facebook Feed widget. - Fixed: Carousel arrows styling only works on the editor page in Google/Facebook Reviews widget. - Tweak: Added `Theme` option for lightbox in Instagram widget. - Tweak: Added `Date Format` option in Facebook Reviews widget. = 1.5.6 = - Tweak: Added `Fade Speed` option for Ken Burns section add-on. - Fixed: Posts` images don't appear in Facebook Feed widget. = 1.5.5 = - Fixed: Reviews date doesn't appear with `Place Info` option disabled. - Fixed: Right templates shift to left by `1px` in Multi Scroll widget. - Fixed: Facebook Feed widget doesn't work with APIs v3.3. = 1.5.4 = - Tweak: Plugin core refactored to improve performance. = 1.5.3 = - Fixed: Charts animation doesn't work when height option is set. - Fixed: `Tabs Background` overrides lists background for `Style 3` in Tabs widget. = 1.5.2 = - Fixed: `Dynamic Content` doesn't work when `ACF Field` is selected in Table widget. = 1.5.1 = - Tweak: `Tilt Mouse Interactivity` doesn't work on IE for Image Layers widget. = 1.5.0 = - Fixed: Image Comparison broken on IE with Section Vertical Parallax enabled. = 1.4.9 = - Tweak: Added `Outer Background Color` option for container in Preview Window widget. - Fixed: Magic Section content appears until page is loaded. - Fixed: Image Comparison broken on IE with Image Layers scroll effects enabled. = 1.4.8 = - Tweak: `WPML Compatibility` for all widgets. - Fixed: License deactivation issues. - Fixed: Google reCaptcha doesn't work after v1.4.8 - Fixed: Particles are stretched on small screens. - Fixed: Add-ons don't load with `MyListing` theme. = 1.4.7 = - Tweak: Added `Stretch Image` option for background image in Image Hotspots widget. - Fixed: Console error `UniversalTilt undefined` on IE browser with Image Layers widget. = 1.4.6 = - Tweak: Added `Dynamic Field` support for Instagram widget. - Fixed: `Invalid Character on line 3361` after v1.3.5 = 1.4.5 = - Tweak: Added `Scroll Effects` for images in Image Layers widget. - Tweak: Added `Freehand` postioning, resizing features for layers in Image Layers widget and Multi Layer Parallax. - Tweak: Added `Freehand` postioning feature for Image Hotspots widget. - Tweak: Added `Date Format` option for Google Reviews widget. - Tweak: Added `Dynamic Field` support for all `URL` fields. - Fixed: Content Switcher widget button issue when browse back page button is clicked. - Fixed: `Save Settings` button doesn't work in White Labeling Dashboard submenu. * **Important: This update includes deep enhancements for Image Hotspots, Image Layers widgets and Parallax Add-on. So, please review your existing pages.** = 1.4.4 = - Tweak: Added `Data Separator` optiuon for CSV files in Table widget. - Fixed: Layout issues on Microsoft IE browser. - Fixed: `Notice: Undefined index: premium_parallax_android_support` , `premium_parallax_ios_support` in Parallax add-on. = 1.4.3 = - Tweak: Prevent adding inline styles/scripts for Section add-ons. - Tweak: Changed Particles Add-on `JSON` code area from `TEXTAREA` to `CODE` - Tweak: Ability to change `Live Search` and `Show Records` strings in Table widget. - Tweak: Wait images to load before triggering `Masonry` layout in Faceook Feed widget. - Fixed: Cells align right issue on Google Chrome in Table widget. - Fixed: Premium Divider issues with `Elementor Custom Positioning` option. = 1.4.2 = - Tweak: Added `Show Records` option in Table widget. - Tweak: Added `Blur On Hover` effect in Table widget. - Tweak: Added `responsive controls` for Search field in Table widget. - Tweak: Added `Text Color` option for Search field in Table widget. - Tweak: Added `Settings` to plugin action links on `Plugins` page. = 1.4.1 = - Tweak: Added `Left/Right Section Width` option to control width ratio in Multi Scroll widget. - Tweak: Added `Show Caption` option to show photo caption in Instagram widget. - Tweak: Added `CSS Filters` options group for hover state in Instagram widget. = 1.4.0 = - Fixed: Premium Twitter Feed does not work. = 1.3.9 = - Tweak: Premium Parallax background position, repeat and size inherit from Elementor responsive background options. - Tweak: Added responsive controls for `Arrow Size` option in Premium Facebook/Google Reviews widgets. - Tweak: Added `CSS Filters` option for images for trigger and preview images in Preview Image widget. - Tweak: Code refactor to enhance plugin performance speed. = 1.3.8 = - Tweak: Added responsive controls for `Number of Columns` option in Premium Facebook/Google Review and Facebook/Twitter widgets. - Tweak: Added `CSS Filters` option for images in Premium Behance/Instagram Feed and iHover widgets. = 1.3.7 = - Tweak: Added responsive controls for `Images per Row` option in Premium Instagram widget. - Tweak: Added `Widgets Badge` option to white labeling to change widgets` icons badge text. - Fixed: Enable Parallax on Android/iOS does not work for Parallax section add-on. - Fixed: Different images height when `Masonry` option is disabled in Premium Intagram widget. = 1.3.6 = - Fixed: Warning: require_once(/premium-addons-pro-includes/deps/json.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory. - Fixed: Images order when `Masonry` option is disabled in Premium Instagram Feed widget. = 1.3.5 = - Tweak: JS enhancements in Facebook, Twitter and Instagram elements to improve plugin performance. - Tweak: Added `Infinite` option for single image in Ken Burns add-on. - Fixed: Set Tabs content to Full Width issue. - Fixed: Posts overlapping when masonry option enabled in Premium Facebook Feed widget. = 1.3.4 = - Tweak: JS enhancements in Charts, Facebook/Google Reviews, Image layers, Multi Scroll , and Tabs elements to improve plugin performance. - Tweak: Dynamic data support for `Image` in Premium Divider widget. = 1.3.3 = - Tweak: Dynamic data support in Premium Ken Burns add-on. - Fixed: Image Hotspots widget issue on preview page. = 1.3.2 = - Fixed: Pointer cursor for cells with `Link` option disabled in Premium Table widget. - Fixed: overlapping issue when iHover widget `Link` option is enabled. - Fixed: Tabs widget layout issue on iOS devices. = 1.3.1 = - Tweak: Added `Border Width` option for each dataset in Premium Charts widget. - Fixed: `Warning: Creating default object from empty value` in Premium Google Reviews widget. = 1.3.0 = - Tweak: Unnecessary `esc_html()` function removed. - Tweak: Unnecessary conditions removed to enhance editor page loading speed. = 1.2.9 = - Tweak: Added `Second Fill Color` option to create gradients in Line, Bar and Horizontal Bar charts. - Tweak: Unnecessary functions removed from Facebook Feed, Charts, Behance and Image Comparison widgets to enhance performance. = 1.2.8 = - Tweak: CSS files loaded only when required to enhance plugin performance. - Tweak: Show label next to value on Pie/Doughnut Premium Chart hover. = 1.2.7 = - Tweak: Added `Show Values on Chart` option to Pie/Doughnut chart in Premium Charts widget. = 1.2.6 = - Tweak: Added language option to Premium Messenger Chat widget. - Fixed: `View Details` link appears for Premium Add-ons for Elementor with White Labeling enabled. = 1.2.5 = - Tweak: Formatting Y-Axis labels numbers in Premium Charts widget. - Tweak: Ken Burns can now be used with only one image. - Fixed: Charts not visible when inserted in Elementor Accordion widget. - Fixed: CSV files don't appear in Media in Premium Tables widget. = 1.2.4 = - Tweak: Added Overlay Color option to Premium Ken Burns section add-on. - Fixed: `Detected usage of deprecated noAndroid` with Premium Parallax section add-on. - Fixed: Premium Messenger Chat not working after Facebook latest Apps update. = 1.2.3 = - Tweak: Added vertical tabs sections width option in Premium Tabs widget. - Tweak: Added Filter by language option in Premium Google Reviews widget. = 1.2.2 = - Tweak: Added arrow size and padding options to carousel arrows in Premium Facebook/Google reviews widget. - Tweak: Dynamic data support in Premium Charts widget. - Tweak: Shortcodes support using text editor in Premium Content Switcher widget. - Fixed: Charts issue when inserted inside Premium Modal Box widget. = 1.2.1 = - Fixed: Projects with grid images in Premium Behance widget. = 1.2.0 = - Tweak: Added Column Width option in Premium Charts widget. - Tweak: Added Carousel Autoplay speed option in Premium Facebook/Google reviews widget. - Tweak: Added Carousel Arrows position option in Premium Facebook/Google reviews widget. - Fixed: Carousel responsive issues in Premium Facebook/Google reviews widget. - Fixed: Reviews issue when no stars is returned with review. = 1.1.9 = - Tweak: Hide specific sections on mobiles/tables option added to Multi Scroll widget. = 1.1.8 = - Fixed: Sections order on mobile/tablets in Multi Scroll widget. = 1.1.7 = - Fixed: Responsive issues in Premium Multi Scroll widget. = 1.1.6 = - New: Added Multi Scroll widget. - Tweak: Added Margin Option for Magic Section widget in active case. - Fixed: Google Reviews unloaded place image. - Fixed: Tabs background/arrow color issue. = 1.1.5 = - Tweak: Premium Table widget performance enhanced. - Tweak: Added Dynamic Images option for all widgets. - Tweak: Added Dynamic place id option for Premium Google Reviews widget. - Tweak: Added Carousel option for Premium Facebook/Google reviews widget. = 1.1.4 = - Fixed: Premium Tabs conflict issue. - Fixed: Facebook/Twitter Feed read more issue. = 1.1.3 = - Fixed: Facebook Feed widget conflict issue. = 1.1.2 = - Tweak: Added convert values to percentage in Premium Charts widget. - Fixed: Call to a member function get_error_message() on array after license activation. = 1.1.1 = - Tweak: Plugin core enhancement for faster performance. - Tweak: Premium Divider widget performance enhanced. - Tweak: Premium Flip Box widget performance enhanced. - Tweak: Premium Icon Box widget performance enhanced. - Tweak: Premium Image Layers widget performance enhanced. - Tweak: Premium iHover widget performance enhanced. = 1.1.0 = - Fixed: Tabs issue on IE browser. - Fixed: Group Control issue in Premium Facebook/Twitter widgets. = 1.0.9 = - Fixed: Warning "Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /premium-addons-pro/widgets/premium-tables.php on line 1567". = 1.0.8 = - Fixed: License not Valid after trying to activate license. = 1.0.7 = - New: Added WhatsApp Chat widget. = 1.0.6 = - Fixed: Image size issue in Premium Parallax addon. - Fixed: Transparent images grey background issue. - Fixed: Invisible charts issue. = 1.0.5 = - Tweak: App ID and App secret are changed to Access Token in Facebook Feed widget. = 1.0.4 = - Tweak: Animations starts on scrolling in Premium Charts widget. = 1.0.3 = - New: Added Facebook Feed element. = 1.0.2 = - Tweak: Added Background Size/Position options in Premium Section Parallax. - Fixed: Instagram Feed grid issue when Masonry is disabled. - Fixed: Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context for PHP versions below 5.5 = 1.0.1 = - Tweak: Added URLs option to each dataset in Premium Charts widget. - Tweak: Added image fill option in Premium Ken Burns. = 1.0.0 = - Initial stable release.